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Affirm Team

In May of 2006, the congregation of Mill Woods United Church voted in favor of becoming the second Affirming Congregation in Alberta and Northwest Conference. A service of celebration was held on November 26, 2006 and we are now recognized by Affirm United as an Affirming Congregation.


Our Affirm status means that we seek to include gay men, lesbians, bisexual and trans-identified persons as full participants in our church life. We believe that people of all sexual orientations and gender expressions are worthy of love and respect and are called equally to participate in the life and work of Mill Woods United Church. The Affirm Team is committed to on-going educational events and learning experiences for our congregation to help us in our ministry.


Listen to the Affirming Statement at this link.


If you are interested in the work of the Affirm Team or would like to join, please contact the church office.

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