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Purple Tulips

Spring Craft Market

The Spring Craft Market was 'created' in 2013 to offer a seasonal market alternative and church fundraiser to our annual Christmas event. Over the years, it has evolved from a small group of 20+ vendors in the Church sanctuary to most recently in 2024 we celebrated our 11th anniversary edition with 40+ vendors on two floors of the church. The first year, we sold hot dogs for customers to purchase for a snack! Now, we have teamed up with an Edmonton greenhouse to sell plants ready to put on your patio, have a Cafe selling snacks and beverages, give out door prizes, offer a childrens' activity all surrounded by tables of vendors with beautiful crafts, jewellery, pottery, sewing, and all types of handmade creations.

Invitation To Apply To Be A Vendor  

If you would like to be a vendor, vendor invitations will be emailed to all interested individuals after February 15th, 2025. If you have been a vendor with us before in previous years, we will be sending you an invitation. If this is your first time and you are interested in being a vendor at the 2025 Spring Craft Market, please contact the Church Office at 780 463 2202 or email


There will be approximately 50 vendor spots on 2 floors of the church which will be gently vetted or curated to avoid duplication of products. Priority will be given to handmade and home based artisans who can generate a spring/garden theme to their products. This will offer the best mix of vendors and the best shopping experience for our customers.


Vendor Applications:

Invitations, Additional Information and Vendor Applications will be released and emailed to interested individuals after February 15th, 2025.


This will include how to register, prices for tables, payment methods, deadlines, and other specific details.

Successful vendors will be notified of their acceptance status by the end of March 2025.


If you have any questions or are interested in being a vendor, please contact the Church Office at 780 463 2202 or email


If You Are A Customer:

Our vendors primarily produce handmade, artisan products such as decorative and silver jewelry, bath and body products, jams and salsas, wood and metal products, sewists, stitchery items, home decor and craft items. A local greenhouse will supply us with beautiful patio pots or plants in hanging baskets ready for your garden.


Bring friends and family and stay to have a snack and a beverage at our cafe. Gluten free/dairy free snacks will be available as well. 


Children will be kept busy planting their own seeds in their own activity area!

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Church Phone: 780 463-2202

Office E-mail:

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